Java Studio Creator
I had same chats about Ajax, JavaScript development, and of course testing and debugging of JavaScript. Looks like with the Sun Java Studio Creator 2 some of these task can be accomplished.
I had same chats about Ajax, JavaScript development, and of course testing and debugging of JavaScript. Looks like with the Sun Java Studio Creator 2 some of these task can be accomplished.
Today, I got the hint to take a deeper look into the AD. Surprisingly I found the following entry in the Active Directory Schema:
Sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? If you have a look into RFC 1274 search for section 9.3.5. There you will find
9.3.5. Favourite Drink
The Favourite Drink attribute type specifies the favourite drink of
an object (or person).
favouriteDrink ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX caseIgnoreStringSyntax (SIZE (1 .. ub-favourite-drink)) ::= {pilotAttributeType 5}
Seems like it is no joke at all…