Crosspost WLW Plug-In

Looking around for some cross-post plug-in for a while, I came along this plug-in for Windows Live Writer. Nice idea, but it actually does not load in WLW.

WLW Cross-Post Plugin

Right now, it is the only plug-in I found so far. I filed the bug and now I am waiting for any response. If nothing happens I have to have a look myself. Thanks for putting it under Ms-PL. If anybody get this plug-in working, let me know.

Distributed Version Control at the DSS Evaluation Phase

This post will give some insight into the distributed version control ad the Distributed and Self-organizing Systems Group. Usually, I am keen about trying out new things, e.g. distributed version control systems such as GIT, Mercurial or Bazaar. However, currently the group’s infrastructure is set up with Subversion as internal revision control system.

For the next few months we will start an evaluation phase with the students, working on the WebComposition/DGS approach, based on a distributed version control concept. Core components of the WebComposition project are branched into a dedicated student branch where all students can commit changes. Based on this branch each student creates his or her private branch for local changes.

The coordinator (usually some DSS staff) takes care of regular forward integration of the core components into the student branch. Each student in turn is responsible for forward integration into his or her own branch.

Changes can be submitted after testing and evaluation back into the central student branch by each student performing backward integration. The group working on the project has to agree in the LAKS meeting on the change before backward integrating the updates.

The coordinator finally takes care if these changes are also backward integrated into the original project trunk.

Distributed Version Control at the DSS

Step 1: Create a local working copy

First, look for a place where to checkout the working copy. Create a folder, e.g. branchesstudents and use Tortoise to checkout a working copy.

Initial Checkout

Select the student branch and the local folder where to store the working copy to start the checkout.


After the checkout is finished, you should will have a local working copy of the student branch.

Checkout Complete

Step 2. Create a private branch

Select ‘Branch/tag’ from the context menu of your working copy.


Use the path of your private project within the repository to create the branch.

Copy (Branch/Tag)

Step 3: Forward integrate changes from the student branch

When the student branch was updated you might be interested in getting these updates into your private branch. To forward integrate these changes into your private branch, select the folder where your local working copy lives, and use the Tortoise context menu to select ‘Merge…’.

Merge Branches

Select the repository folder you want to forward integrate Probably this will be the student branch – the paths in the screenshot below will thus differ from yours. Select the revision from where the forward integration should start. Now select the revision where it should end. Usually, this will be the head revision. After merging submit the changes of your working copy to the repository and you are done.


To get some more information on Subversion, or to learn how to perform the steps above on command line, refer the Subversion book.

Vista Flickr Uploader

Vista Flickr Uploader is a small tool, I found at CodePlex to quickly push a whole bunch of pictures to your Flickr account.

Vista Flickr Uploader

Pros: Allows you to select a whole bunch of images at once, allows to assign the images to a previously created set and remembers the folder you picked pictures from the last time.

Cons: Takes some time to start since it validates the verifies application requirements every time, does not allow you to create title or description of the photos and finally the code is under LGLP – no way that I touch it.

Nice, but some room for improvements.

RSS Bandit meets dasBlog

Being my favorite feed reader, RSS Bandit seems to have a quite cool feature to share your feed list among multiple computers. Simply got to Tools / Options / Remote Storage and select dasBlog from the Protocol drop-down list.

RSS Bandit Remote Storage

Therefore, you have to enable the Edit Web Service on your blog configuration.

Enable Edit Web Service

Nevertheless, nothing happened. The Edit Web Service URL seems to be right, activated and RSS Bandit does not provide any error message. Looks like some more digging is necessary…

Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW

Today, I installed the Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW by Rahul Soni. So I am just starting to add social bookmark links on my future blog entries.

After installing the tool you have to restart Windows Live Writer. Then you’ll see a additional option in the insert pane on the right side of WLW.

WLW with Social Bookmarkin Tool

After publishing your entry, you have to copy the link as well as the title of your blog entry and insert it into the Social Bookmarking Tool dialog. That’s all, just publish the tool again.

Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW