Federated Services

Clemens Vasters just wrote about federated services in his blog. Sounds familiar? Of course. I spend a lot of time two years ago in investigating in Web Service Federations including soft- and hardware in my research at the IT-Management and Web Engineering Research Group (MWRG). At this time it was quite hard to explain to people what a Web Service federation actually is supposed to mean. We had a look deep into a couple of technologies. E.g., we allowed to connect uPnP devices with non-uPnP services across organizational boundaries, we used off-the-shelf Phidgets devices to control simulated Intel uPnP services. Unfortunately, WCF was not that stable at this time to use it as infrastructure for our approach even if we started to build upon it in the beginning.

Advice for Ph.D. students from Tony Hoare

Niels Lohmann did a video of the closing session, given by Sir Tony Hoare at a Summer School in 2006. Even talking to him several times over here in Cambridge, it’s great to see this video.

“At the International Summer School Marktoberdorf 2006, Tony Hoare was asked to give the talk at the closing session. He gave a lot of advices for Ph.D. students, and I am glad I made a video of it to share these advices”

XML Web Service on a Chip

Invisible computing: Not brand new but quite interesting to read:

“This site has the source code and documentation for Microsoft Invisible Computing. It is a research prototype for making small devices part of the seamless computing world. This site contains the source code and is available free of charge for research and educational use under the Microsoft Shared Source License.”

And even better, the code is Shared Source.