Proper Logwatch Configuration using Ansible
On my way setting up
Therefore, I decided to use Logwatch as a lightweight solution to my needs.
Installation Script
The Ansible script to install Logwatch is straight forward:
- name: Install logwatch
name: logwatch
state: latest
- logwatch
- name: Create logwatch.conf file for customisations
path: /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
state: touch
- logwatch
- name: E-Mail to
dest: /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
regexp: "^MailTo ="
line: "MailTo = {{ logwatch_email }}"
state: present
- logwatch
- name: Set detail
dest: /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
regexp: "^Detail ="
line: "Detail = {{ logwatch_detail }}"
state: present
- logwatch
Configuration & Troubleshooting
I basically set up two parameters, the e-mail as well as the detail level I want for the report. Important to know is the order Logwatch is applying your configuration settings. Following the recommendations, I did not change anything in the configuration file at
/usr /share/logwatch /default.conf/logwatch.conf
rather I decided to copy the file to
The reason is the order, logwatch is scanning for configuration parameters in the following order. Each step actually overwrites the previous one.
- /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/*
- /etc/logwatch/conf/dist.conf/*
- /etc/logwatch/conf/*
- The script command line arguments
Eventually, I ended up in the following error:
/var/cache/logwatch No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/logwatch line 634.
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch exited with return code 2
To fix this, avoid copying the original configuration to one of the other places. I did this because I followed some recommendation I received. Instead, I now touch a new configuration file as well as setting the two parameters for MailTo= as well as Detail=. Both are s set using Ansible variables in my scripts. The additional configuration file now looks pretty boring, though:
MailTo =
Detail = Low
You also can provide these parameters when calling the script in the cron job: Using Ansible the modification would look like the following:
dest: /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch
regexp: "^/usr/sbin/logwatch"
line: "/usr/sbin/logwatch --output mail --mailto {{ logwatch_email }} --detail {{ logwath_detail }}"
state: present
create: yes
I decided to change the
tl ;dr
Setting up Logwatch using Ansible might cause strange “No file or directory”-errors during the cron job call. This can be avoided by applying additional configuration settings at appropriate configuration locations.