Coll Stuff #2
Some more stuff I came along the last few days…
- Great introduction talk about Redis by Chris Meadows from Code PaLOUsa 2012.
- The fundamental research paper on Google’s BigTable from OSDI’06.
- Todd Lipcon introducing HBase in this talk at Cloudera.
- Braden Kowitz, a User Experience Designer, tells you why it is important to move the button 3px to the left.
- I was pointed to the Filzbach library, I worked on at Microsoft Research Cambridge. Good old times…
- Brackets is a interesting JavaScript editor written in JavaScript.
- An interesting talk on Big Data system architecture by Scott Fleming and Tim Gasper.
- Great (flash-based) visualization of the scale of the universe, somewhat scary at the very end…
- Solr stress tests can be done using SolrMeter.
- Font Awesome is an awesome iconic font free to use.
- Placeholders can be linked from in any size…