
I just surfed on Geekpedia. I did not have a lot of time to look though the site, but is seem as there are tons if interesting articles and information about cool stuff there. So if I find I will seek though their archives for some useful tips and tutorials.


Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW

Today, I installed the Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW by Rahul Soni. So I am just starting to add social bookmark links on my future blog entries.

After installing the tool you have to restart Windows Live Writer. Then you’ll see a additional option in the insert pane on the right side of WLW.

WLW with Social Bookmarkin Tool

After publishing your entry, you have to copy the link as well as the title of your blog entry and insert it into the Social Bookmarking Tool dialog. That’s all, just publish the tool again.

Social Bookmarking Tool for WLW


I’ve just uploaded a author version of the paper LCARS – The Next Generation Programming Context, presented on the at 23rd May 2006 the International Workshop for Context in Advances Interfaces in conjunction with AVI 2006 in Venice, Italy.

LCARS - The Next Generation Programming Context

LibraryThing Widget

I just spend some minutes this evening updating the LibraryThing Widget CSS styles.

LibraryThing Widget

The DIV classes used by LibraryThing are as follows:

.LTwrapper .LTheader .LTitem .LTprovided

LTwrapper is for the whole widget, LTheader only for the “Random books I have” line, Ltitem for each book and finally .LTprovided for the footer “powered by LibraryThing”.

However, to get some more flexibility in the layout you should make usage of the cascading property in CSS and define the .LTitem img class to position the images. It could look like the following then:

.LTitem img { float: right; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; }