Real-Time Fire Map for California

There are only a few maps I really find useful. However, the real-time fire map for California is really a thing:

Fires are a natural part of California ecosystems. Historic fires occur at frequent intervals, but with lower intensity. The high severity and acreage fires commonly seen today are driven by more extreme weather and build-up of fuel from our ongoing fire suppression activities.

There is a lot of useful information about the current fire situation on this map, such as fire perimeter and hot spots. In addition other useful information such as wind patterns and air quality are considered.

The data used is also available via GeoMAC Wildland Fire Support.

Real-time fire map:

Organizing My Availability

Meanwhile, I spent quite some time answering emails and requested my availability. There is a family calendar, a work calendar, a lecture calendar and maybe I miss one or two.

I usually have to look through all of them. And of course, I usually miss one or two of them. Therefore, I started to use the Doodle MeetMe feature to consolidate the availabilities of various calendars at one place.

Doodle MeetMe

Especially the feature to share the availability times was quite appealing to me. Most users just know Doodle for creating polls about events and meetings. Therefore, I decided to give it a try for some time. To see how this works out.


Better Security Architecture Diagrams

For the last couple of years, I have seen many so-called “architecture” diagrams including those suffering from inconsistent notation, unclear depiction lack of information and ambiguity.

The worst scenario was in my last role, where I dealt with company-wide application integration. Each and every team had their own way to draw (or not to draw) security architectures. Guidelines? Nope. Nervous breakdowns n a daily base if something went wrong? Definitely.

So he/she who’s name is not known created a quite comprehensive PDF guideline which helps you to draw more precise security related architectural diagrams. Definitely worth a look.
