Personally, I have not seen our language evolving that fast.
In der Berichterstattung über die Coronapandemie werden einige für den deutschen Allgemeinwortschatz neue Wörter sowie bekannte Wörter mit neuen Bedeutungen verwendet. Manche sind aus dem Englischen entlehnt, andere im Deutschen gebildet. Neben etwas älteren Lexemen stehen ganz neue, neben solchen aus bestimmten Fachsprachen solche, die außerhalb von Fachkontexten entstanden sind.
Fires are a natural part of California ecosystems. Historic fires occur at frequent intervals, but with lower intensity. The high severity and acreage fires commonly seen today are driven by more extreme weather and build-up of fuel from our ongoing fire suppression activities.
There is a lot of useful information about the current fire situation on this map, such as fire perimeter and hot spots. In addition other useful information such as wind patterns and air quality are considered.
More than 30° Celcius (ie. more than 86° Fahrenheit) is quite hot if you are a rabbit. As we keep some handtame rabbits in an outdoor rabbit warren, we thought of how it could be possible to reduce the temperature in an open area. This is a problem probably not being solved with electronics or software at all unless you plan to include liquid nitrogen in your solution.
Originally designed for the convenience of human beings, it turns out, this is quite relaxing for rabbits as well. The system creates a very fine mist cooling down the sprinkled are several degrees.
For some days, SMS seems to be in some kind of renaissance. Frequently, I receive unsolicited SMS advertising. Not necessary to add, this is quite annoying.
While I am personally not necessarily happy with all the regulation and rules we have in Germany, I really do like the telecommunication regulations. In the early years of the internet, I successfully dealt with dialers and other malware using the possibility, the Federal Network Agency offers.
Here you see one of the SPAM SMS I receive. No sender number, links which you don’t know where they lead to. And most important, no consent to send me such SMS.
Eventually, if you get such SMS or calls, you might want to fill out the complaint form, helping to prevent this in the future.
Update: 2019-07-27
Today, I received feedback regarding my complaints from the Federal Network Agency. Unfortunately, nothing can be done as the sender is based in Malta and they do not provide any callback number.
Aus Ihrer Sachverhaltsschilderung ist kein von der Bundesnetzagentur zu verfolgender Verstoß zum Rufnummernmissbrauch oder zu unerlaubter Telefonwerbung erkennbar. Unter den konkreten Umständen besteht daher für die Bundesnetzagentur keine Möglichkeit einzuschreiten. Der Firmensitz des Anbieters befindet sich im Ausland (Malta) und es wird keine Rufnummer beworben.
This is in fact very unfortunate, as it is obviously SPAM (similar SMS with different sender names), they want to make you to click on the links provided.
Meanwhile, I spent quite some time answering emails and requested my availability. There is a family calendar, a work calendar, a lecture calendar and maybe I miss one or two.
I usually have to look through all of them. And of course, I usually miss one or two of them. Therefore, I started to use the Doodle MeetMe feature to consolidate the availabilities of various calendars at one place.
Doodle MeetMe
Especially the feature to share the availability times was quite appealing to me. Most users just know Doodle for creating polls about events and meetings. Therefore, I decided to give it a try for some time. To see how this works out.